
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Introduction to QBASIC

                    QBASIC  is a programming language. Microsoft inc. has been releasing this programs development environment as a replacement for GBASIC and BASICA. The environment includes a full screen , syntax checking editor, multi-file and multi-windows editing, full debugging facilities, pull down menus and a simple yet powerful menu structure that can be driven either through the keyboard or using a mouse. Once you are in the Qbasic development environment through the keyboard or using mouse. The following basic features have enhanced the capabilities of QBASIC:
  • Subprograms allow you to separate programs into individual and logically independent modules. 
  • Structured programming supports is provided in the form of multi line IF..THEN..END type flow control structures like WHILE...WEND, SUB, FUNCTION procedures . 
  • Alphanumeric labels can be used making the programs more readable and writeable , because Qbasic does not require line numbers for its programs statements. 
  • Dynamic arrays can be declared to optimize memory usage.
  • Large numeric arrays are allowed and any number of 64 K arrays can be used and fit into available memory.
  • Metacommands allow you to control the way the compiler interprets and compilers your program.
              The Qbasic interpreter has a simple user interface and menu structure. Its design serves to aid the user in developing programs with the least number of steps. The intelligent editor checks syntax as the program line are entered. The program is compiled as it is typed allowing the program to be run in a single step. Errors are identified and reported in a convenient way that allows the user to correct them immediately.  

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